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Strategic partner

the Solar Impulse Foundation

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As part of Waterpreneurs ASSESS activities, Waterpreneurs is collaborating with the (SIF) to identify and qualify SDG6 solutions and cleantech innovations to be recognized globally with the (SIF) “Efficient Solutions” Label

Objective for Waterpreneurs: to help solutions be eligible for the 1000 Efficient Solutions Portfolio and at the same time identify and qualify merchants that can present their solutions during the “Innovate 4 Water” marketplaces planned around the world.


is partnering with

the Solar Impulse Foundation

Impact investing in the water nexus

White Paper on Impact Investing for Water: Innovative Finance for Scaling-up Water, Sanitation and Hygiene market-based solutions (March, 2018)


A selection of clients references

A selection of clients references

Market survey analysing 150 organisations from around the world. Objective: identify investment opportunities in the water nexus sector. This market survey has been incorporated in the Waterpreneurs white paper:” Innovative finance for water, sanitation & hygiene (WASH) market-based solutions”

Online training on the issues and opportunities related to the private sector involvement in urban water and sanitation delivery. This training emphasizes the crucial importance to respect human rights to water and sanitation.

Country assessments (Mali and Nigeria) of “water nexus” governance, in humanitarian context, using a combination of the OECD 12 governance principles and the IRC-Agenda for Change 9 systemic building blocks methodology, analysing all the key dimensions of governance, namely; legal framework, political leadership, infrastructure, transversal and integrated resource management, planning, finance, monitoring, accountability, learning and participation.

Helped preparing a sharp and articulate document to give guidance on key management issues for a coalition of service providers operating in the water nexus: - Analysed current situation and aligned expectations of different partners (governance, interactions with clients, rules of engagement, business case) - Organised a brainstorming workshop. - Analysed options and make recommendations - Facilitated the signature of an MoU between the members of the coalition.

Helped transforming the SWEP from a small, informal, mainly Swiss-based network to a global network of organisations that propel water and sanitation entrepreneurship. Based on the business case that has been developed in a participatory approach for the SWEP, the network is now ready to unlock and reframe investments / funding for water and sanitation entrepreneurship globally.

Mapping of key stakeholders in India that could be interested in the safe water enterprises ecosystem consolidation to support the scaling-up of market-based solutions.

Help design an improved framework of key indicators (KPIs) to enhance the performance of WIPO GREEN and drive its evolution to its next level of maturity and impact. - Analysed current situation taking into consideration key WIPO GREEN strategic documents, WIPO’s mandate and its current resources. - Organised a brainstorming workshop with the WIPO GREEN team on WG’s current needs. - Analysed options and make recommendations.

Methodology to evaluate the contribution of social businesses to the SDGs - Selection of Indicators for SDG6. The Cerise SDG tool has been developed with the support of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Training about the business and human rights to water and sanitation approach.

Article about integrity management in the water nexus. “Enhancing and maintaining water integrity: the role investors can play”

Promoted the Solar Impulse World Alliance objective to identify SDG6 potential innovations which could be selected as part of the World Alliance ‘1000 labeled solutions’.

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