WaterLex is an international public interest development organization based in Geneva, Switzerland. It is a UN-Water Partner with UN ECOSOC special consultative status. Its mission is to develop sustainable solutions based on human rights to improve water governance worldwide, particularly in regard to consistent water law and policy frameworks, with the Sustainable Development Goals (especially SDG 6, water for all) in mind.
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is one of the 17 specialized agencies of the United Nations.
WIPO was created in 1967 "to encourage creative activity, to promote the protection of intellectual property throughout the world."
WIPO GREEN is an interactive marketplace that promotes innovation and diffusion of green technologies. It does this by connecting technology and service providers with those seeking innovative solutions.
The World Alliance for Efficient Solutions, established by the Solar Impulse Foundation, brings together the main actors involved in developing, financing or promoting products, services, processes and technologies that protect the environment in a profitable way. To this end, they will assess the solutions submitted by their Members, with the help of independent technical and financial Experts, and select 1000 of the most promising ones. They will be labelled as Efficient Solutions and presented to governments, businesses and institutions at COP 24 to encourage them to adopt more ambitious environmental targets and energy policies.
The Swiss Water Partnership (SWP) is a multi-stakeholder platform bringing Swiss organisations from the academic, civil society, public and private sectors together to find innovative solutions for water challenges in developing and transition countries.
SWA is a global partnership of over 170 country governments, private sector and civil society organizations, external support agencies, research and learning institutions and other development partners working together to catalyse political leadership and action, improve accountability and use scarce resources more effectively. Partners work towards a common vision of sanitation, hygiene and water for all, always and everywhere.
The French Water Partnership (FWP – Partenariat Français pour l’Eau – PFE), a non-profit association governed by the French law on associations of 1901, is a multi-actor platform which works on conveying key consensual messages on the governance and management of water resources in the international arena.
Founded in 2014, the Toilet Board Coalition is a global, business-led coalition of leading companies, social investors, sanitation experts and non-profit organisations that aims to develop commercially sustainable and scalable solutions to the sanitation crisis.
It is the world's first multi-discipline coalition aimed at delivering market-based sanitation initiatives for low income consumers that have the potential to provide significant changes in sanitation delivery to those who need it most.
An innovation lab. A business Incubator. A social enterprise community center. Impact Hub is a global network of hubs which foster entrepreneurship, idea incubation, business development and offers co-working spaces.
Cewas is a Swiss non-profit association specialised in improving business practices in water and sanitation through training and awareness-raising so as to increase the sector’s integrity and sustainability.
Cewas work with a wide range of partners across the fields of water, sanitation and entrepreneurship and are backed by a think tank of renowned experts and specialists.
Sustainable Finance Geneva is an association that establishes Geneva as the center for innovation in sustainable finance by engaging individuals and harnessing collective intelligence.
Created in 2008 by fifteen professionals, SFG now leads the way from Geneva, as the key global platform for sustainable finance. It not only enables an ongoing dialogue between all local organizations and individuals, it also promotes Geneva’s financial Center.
The CTCN is the operational arm of the UNFCCC Technology Mechanism, hosted by the UN Environment Programme and the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). The Centre promotes the accelerated transfer of environmentally sound technologies for low carbon and climate resilient development at the request of developing countries. We provide technology solutions, capacity building and advice on policy, legal and regulatory frameworks tailored to the needs of individual countries by harnessing the expertise of a global network of technology companies and institutions.
P3 stands for People, Public and Private sectors.
The Asia P3 Hub, hosted by World Vision International, is a platform for multi-sector collaboration which brings together people from different sectors, be they government, business, start-up enterprises, NGOs, and academia, to tackle the effects of poverty. Our initial area of focus is water, sanitation and hygiene.
The Swiss Bluetec Bridge strives to accelerate sustainable access to water and sanitation for economically poor people. Typically, these un- or underserved customers live in rural areas and in small towns in low and lower middle income countries.
They offer financing (up to CHF 250,000) and advice to innovative Swiss-based start-ups, SME and social entrepreneurs who are at the early stage of their journeys. At the end of the process, entrepreneurs who have succeeded in the field get recognised and promoted through the Swiss Bluetec Bridge label and network.

The #ClimateIsWater initiative was launched in late-2015, in the run-up to theParis COP21, based on the premises that:
The obvious links between water and climate change have for a long time been ignored in international climate summits
To federate members of the water community from around the globe to speak with one voice for water

The Global Clean Water Desalination Alliance – H2O minus CO2 (GCWDA) was launched in Paris to reduce CO2 emissions from desalination plants.
The Alliance has an initial group of more than 80 signatories and was officially ratified on 26 November 26 2015.
Founding signatory, Masdar, Abu Dhabi’s renewable energy company, encouraged governments; energy, water and related industry stakeholders - including laboratories and research organisations; universities and NGOs to join the Alliance.